Friday, January 29, 2016

Alys Fitness Experience - Achievable goals.

How long are you going to put up with that thing in your life you don't like, that you want to change about yourself? 
You have to self-evaluate. No one can change you better than you can change yourself. What pain are you willing to accept? Unhealthy lifestyle pain or that pain you get after an amazing workout? The decision is ultimately yours to choose. Making the commitment to get fit or fitter is the first step to a healthier life and healthier you.

What would be considered a reasonable fitness goal? So many of us seem to set these vague fitness goals to try and meet such as "I want to lose weight" or just generally "I want to get fit", the one I hear the most is "I'm going to sign up to the gym this year". When deep down each time we set these types of goals we often fail at following through because the goals are too vague or we don't plan them out well enough. 

To achieve fitness or health goal, you must be realistic for your own lifestyle, and be specific with your goal put a reasonable time on your goals. Write them down; so you can see exactly what you want to achieve for yourself so you can set some long and short term goals that are achievable depending on your list.
An example of a new fitness goal I made for myself was starting a food and fitness journal; to track what I eat daily to keep myself accountable, also for when I go to the gym or do some form of workout and if I don't see changes in my weight or inches,I can look back and it will tell me exactly why (ex. too much snacking, not working out enough)

If your goal is weight-loss, attempting to lose weight fast paced will only set you up for disappointment, it will lead to an unhealthy weight loss, and the outcome won't be long term. Take it month by month, see what your body reacts and doesn't react to, don't try to speed up the process.
This goes for any fitness goal; working out or even changing your eating habits; know your bodies limits. yes, you can push limits a bit but just know when you need to stop before the point of possibly causing damage to your body and/or getting hurt.

What is one of the long or short term fitness goals you have for yourself? and what are you doing to achieve it?

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Alys Fitness Experience - Have you ever?

Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought to yourself - "I've been working so hard the last days, weeks, maybe even months without seeing drastic results?" 

A lot of people who are generally just starting out feel like this, because you don't really know what to expect other than what you assume, especially females; we're hard on ourselves, always comparing to others- when you should be comparing and competing with and towards your own body, making those changes you want in the healthiest and safest way for own YOUR body. Feeling you always need to see changes fast or  you start feeling you aren't doing it right, some even think of giving up. Note - that others will see changes in you before you see changes in yourself. Also, someone else's body might see the effects of working out a lot faster than your body; everyone's body is different and everyone's results differ. 

There is absolutely no way to target a specific body part and expect changes there only. You will lose throughout your whole body regardless of the body part you work out. Yes, you are targeting/ encouraging muscle growth with specific workouts but will not lose nor gain in that area only. You can do things to target your stomach more like eating healthy, doing midsection workouts and cardio but that will also not only target just your stomach.

When losing weight, it is easy to become addicted to the numbers on the scale, try to find a non-scale victories like your shirts are fitting loosely or when you need to buy a smaller pair of jeans or just general inches being lost after measuring for the 3rd or 4th time.
Measuring yourself from head to toe is a lot more effective and accurate, also a lot more motivating than tracking your weight each week, bi-week or month. Your weight may go up and/or down depending on how your body reacts to what you are eating and also what you are doing in the gym or at home workouts.

Have you ever taken a picture of yourself in a raw form (either in your birthday suit or bra/panties) pictures literally show you what your eyes truly can not see on yourself. Your body changes in so many ways during the days, weeks, months of your weight loss, fat loss and/or just general fitness journey. I swear by before and after pictures, there is nothing more motivating than seeing a picture of you from when you first started to a picture a couple weeks in. The smallest changes can give you the most drive to keep pushing towards your end result. Remember a temporary diet will only give you temporary results, you must make a lifestyle change and think long term.

If there was one thing you needed or must have during your journey, whatever your journey may be, that motivates you or would motivate you; what would that be and why? It could be as small as a note to self on a sticky note! I would love to hear what motivates you! Also, is there something that is so bad for your body that you eat and you know it but it is the hardest for you to give up or eat less of, What would that be? Comment below! Let me know.